
Active projects

Since the beginning of the War, thousands of families in Ukraine have been forced to leave their homes and move to safer regions of the country taking only the bare minimum of necessities with them. Children, in turn, are deprived of the opportunity to continue quality education and communicate with their peers. It is important to maintain stability in the development of children and not stop this process so as not to lose what has been achieved.
Almost from the very beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine, we started our fruitful cooperation with the international charitable organization MTI (Medical Teams International).
Сьогодні Україна переживає нелегкі часи! Через вторгнення російських військ на нашу територію тисячі людей залишилися без своїх домівок. Щодня наша армія робить все можливе, щоб завтра ми могли побачити мирне небо над головою. Наш народ об'єднаний і згуртований, як ніколи! Кожен робить свій вклад на шляху до перемоги!
Наразі десятки тисяч людей з різних куточків України втратили свої домівки та вимушені розпочинати нове життя, шукати прихисток у Чернівцях. У зв’язку з цим, в нашого українського директора з’явилась ідея – створення ПЕРШОГО інформаційно-сервісного кафе в місті Чернівці.
Війна, яка триває в Україні потребує величезних об'ємів донорської крові для спасіння життя людей. Щодня потреба в переливанні крові виникає у тисячі людей, які балансують на межі життя та смерті. У багатьох випадках - тільки воно може врятувати життя людині.

Finished projects

Long before the creation of the foundation itself, the idea occurred to help those people who cannot cope with everyday life on their own. Employees of Yukon Software and Desyde are concerned and ready to respond to the call of those who need it. But how to make the assistance not one-time but permanent?
Assistance is provided to children (18-year-olds included), the disabled, and other people in dire need, usually through hospitals, boarding schools, disability communities, and other institutions. Assistance is provided almost exclusively in kind (drugs, food, essentials, etc.)
HAPPY CHILDHOOD. CHILDREN ARE THE FLOWERS OF LIFE. These expressions are taken by us for granted, as something that should be accepted by everyone without objection. Parents must strive to create large and friendly families, and the country must take care of and support the desire of people to have more children.
All the people who take an active part in the work of the Yukon Foundation were brought up as patriots by the older generations and, of course, could not get past the problems facing the elderly, war and labor veterans.
HEALTHY BODY, HEALTHY MIND... Unfortunately, this is often not the case today. It's about a healthy spirit. The growth of the number of mentally ill people is increasingly worrying doctors around the world, as mental disorders are the most significant only after cardiovascular disease.