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Immediate help

Assistance is provided to children (18-year-olds included), the disabled, and other people in dire need, usually through hospitals, boarding schools, disability communities, and other institutions. Assistance is provided almost exclusively in kind (drugs, food, essentials, etc.) In order to ensure assistance, it is necessary to provide, if possible, the exact contact details of the institution, through which assistance will be provided, the contact phone number, and the contact person.
In case relatives and friends of a person request help, they must provide:

– a request from the institution, through which the assistance will be provided (hospital / polyclinic / boarding school / disability community) with the exact list of what kind of assistance is needed.

– a statement to the director of the foundation.

Material assistance will be provided immediately (if there are appropriate donations) and, if possible, in full. The foundation assumes purchase of necessary items, their transportation, and documentation of the entire action.
Note: since the amount and timing of the necessary assistance is directly related to the availability of donations from direct benefactors, and initiating them before that is a time- and resource-consuming task, the foundation considers it possible to expect direct assistance from relatives and friends  This help is acceptable in 2 types:

– participation as a volunteer in attracting donations to the charitable programs of the foundation (courier delivery of mail, search for potential donors, etc.) that is not less than 40 hours;

– making a donation to the charitable activities of the foundation in the amount of up to 10% of the cost of necessary assistance.