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Help mentally ill people


Unfortunately, this is often not the case today. It’s about a healthy spirit. The growth of the number of mentally ill people is increasingly worrying doctors around the world, as mental disorders are the most significant only after cardiovascular disease.

They affect people of any status, age, regardless of education or place of residence. Today’s life is extremely dynamic, full of events, constant tension, and movement. We are under constant stress. The situation has been particularly tense in recent decades, with many discoveries, shifts, and changes that have taken place over a much longer period of time. There is also the problem of freedom of choice, the economic situation, political change, and instability.

We do not have enough time to adapt and get used to it; the need to absorb a lot of new information also leads to neuroticism and stress. The attempt to freeze or suppress stress happens mainly with the help of alcohol or drugs, which in turn worsens it, adding physical disorders. Usually we try not to notice people with mental disorders, we avoid them, believing that this can happen to someone, but not to us, not to our loved ones. But data show that even perfectly healthy people can have such a problem. Indeed, there are hereditary mental illnesses, but stress and neuroticism are the companions of a modern man. Such people need to be treated in a timely and high-quality manner, and mental hospitals cannot afford much of the treatment. For example, a meager amount is allocated for food per patient per day, and the premises have been in need of repair for a long time…

The Yukon Charity Foundation has decided to help the Chernivtsi Regional Mental Hospital improve its conditions. This was our first big charity project. The plans include renovation of premises, purchase of medical equipment, and other assistance. Maybe you have some thoughts and ideas on how to help the hospital and these people. Then join us. If there is someone who really needs our help, we should do our best to help.

Don’t turn away from these people. After all, they are the same as us. They are just more vulnerable to the world around them and need more care. As they say, “Only stupidity is incurable, mental illness can be cured”…
Some sad statistics. It can be assumed that there are even more unrecorded cases:

* 450 million people in the world suffer from some mental illness, and some suffer from several at once;

* Mental disorders will soon be among the top five diseases that lead to disability;

* Approximately 2 million people in Ukraine are treated annually in psychiatric institutions;

* Ukraine is the first in Europe in the number of mental disorders;

* 10% of people in any country have one or another neuropsychiatric disorder (in Ukraine,~ 50% of the population suffer from depression and neurosis).